Election Strategy

My Election Strategy:


Bharath Navaneethan
For Williamson County 

When you go to the polls to vote in the upcoming November midterm election, the very last voting box at the bottom of the ballot is your opportunity to cast a vote for your “Williamson-Travis Counties Municipal Utility District No. 1, Directors”.  You can select none, 1, 2 or 3.  You’ll find my name in the first position.

For Travis County:

When you go to the polls to vote in the upcoming November midterm election, look for “Directors, Williamson-Travis Counties Municipal Utility District No. 1” – Precinct 374.  You can select none, 1, 2 or 3.  You’ll find my name in the first position.

I’m employing a strategy to ensure my place on the board and that is, select only me.  Rest assured two of the other 3 candidates will surface to the top without your vote.

If you’re ready for increased efficiency and oversight from a responsive and receptive official, then, I’m your man!  Vote for me on November 6th, 2018.  THANK YOU.
For more information about me and my position on relevant issues, please visit on Facebook:  Director.WTCMUD1; my blog at www.bnford.com; or Email me directly at Bharath4Director.WTCMUD1@gmail.com


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